The Last Tiger

By Becky Davies

Book cover image - The Last Tiger

From the creative duo behind Little Turtle and the Sea, this powerful story is a lyrical rainforest adventure with an overarching message about extinction, endangered animals and loss of habitats in the wild.

Aasha's rainforest is changing. Trees are being cut down, and worse still, tigers are disappearing. One terrible day, Aahsa must leave her home for ever. Is she really the very last tiger? A story of one tiger's journey for survival in a changing environment.

Exploring prevalent and current ecological themes, this beautiful story, and accompanying educational pages, is the perfect, age-appropriate introduction to discussions about extinction. Ideal for children who've read There's a Rang-Tan in My Bedroom, Someone Swallowed Stanley, The Journey Home and Greta and the Giants.

Out of print / Unavailable
$24.99 RRP
Publish date
06 July 2022

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